As a vendor of software solutions, you are very familiar with your field. Your customers and partners are enthusiastic about the functions and added value. In today's world, customers are often looking for IT solutions that can be obtained, for example, as holistic cloud services. These new requirements present some vendors with one or the other unexpected challenge, in which EgoMind is happy to support. Secure-4C is your task force for a successful future of your products. Contact us if EgoMind can support you with one of the following topics of the Secure-4C principle.
Secure-4C in detail:
Modern software products must be easy to install and manageable from anywhere. Many providers of on-premise solutions are well versed in their field, but for various reasons shy away from the path to the cloud. However, a software-as-a-service model brings several advantages for manufacturers, customers and partners. EgoMind is familiar with implementations of easy-to-use and multi-client management interfaces. Take the step of migrating to a secure cloud-based UX with EgoMind.
Durch eine sichere Konnektivität in alle Richtungen kann der Nutzen der Systeme exponentiell wachsen. Egal, ob die Lösung hybrid oder cloud-only ist. Alle Komponenten müssen einfach und sicher an eigene und fremde Services angebunden werden können – egal ob durch API’s oder andere Mechanismen. Des weiteren können Sie durch Schnittstellen und Integrationen mit anderen Herstellern weitere Mehrwerte Ihren Kunden liefern. Das Team von EgoMind kennt sich hierbei seiner jahrelangen Erfahrungen bestens aus.
With secure connectivity in all directions, the benefits of the systems can grow exponentially. Regardless of whether the solution is hybrid or cloud-only. All components must be able to connect easily and securely to your own and third-party services – whether through API’s or other mechanisms. Furthermore, you can deliver additional added value to your customers through interfaces and integrations with other vendors. The team of EgoMind knows this very well due to its many years of experience.
For any solution, “return of investment” is the best way to delight customers. Enable your customers to save costs through administration and operation in a timely manner through simple administration interfaces, Software As a Services, analyses and reports and high stability and flexibility of your product. Further optimization with modern methods such as AI can dramatically increase the benefits of the system and reduce expenses.
The “Secure” is at the forefront for us. EgoMind generally pays attention to a high security of features and functions in all areas of the 4 C’s.
EgoMind helps to become better in all areas described above. Your core competencies remain your focus. EgoMind increases the success of your products with enhancements and optimizations. You strengthen your products with your knowledge and EgoMind with experience. Do you have a new idea, but no resources to realize it? Talk to us – EgoMind is happy to help.
Further infomation about Software Development as a Service.